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July 26, 2022

Tips to Help Win More Proposals

You have landed the opportunity to present your proposal to a prospective new client.  You should always have a game-plan and the following preparatory and presentation tips should help tip the scales in your favor. Do the proper research. Learn as much about the prospective client before meeting as you can.  “Google is your friend.” 

June 21, 2022

Ten Ways to Help Prevent Fraud From Occurring in Your Business

The following are ten ways to help prevent fraud from occurring in your business: Review Monthly Bank and Credit Card Statements. If possible, do not send your bank or credit card statements to your business address if you don’t have a Bookkeeping/Accounting Department with good internal controls in place. Have them sent to your home

April 25, 2022

How to Be a Creative Entrepreneur

There’s a great line in Alice in Wonderland when the Queen says, “Sometimes I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast.” I think you’ll agree that this has to be creativity at its best! As a small business owner this is an ideal you really need to strive for … but how on earth can

March 22, 2022

How to Get a Patent

Have you invented the next big thing?  Built a better mousetrap?  If you invent or discover a new and useful “process, machine, manufacture, or composition thereof” you can apply for a federal patent to protect your invention from being used by others without your permission. Do you remember the first video arcade game, Pong? Invented

February 21, 2022

Excellence is Never an Accident

“Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.” The above anonymous quote was displayed prominently in an office, where, oddly enough, it seemed to attract very little attention. In any case, it has made enough of

January 27, 2022

4 Styles of Leadership

Capable leadership is one of the most important traits of a successful business owner, manager or executive.  However, different circumstances call for different management styles.  This article discusses four basic types:  Directive, Participative, Laissez-faire and Adaptive.  Directive: This is the perhaps the oldest form and is relatively autocratic.  Someone using a directive style tells people

January 27, 2022

Why a Business Coach Instead of a Consultant?

In the past several years, business coaching has gone beyond a luxury reserved for Corporate America’s executives to an invaluable tool for small business owners. Yet many small business owners are still unclear on the difference between a business coach and a business consultant. The difference is as simple as the old expression “give a

December 23, 2021

Reduce Labor Costs by 30% in 90 Days

  For many Manufacturing, Trades and Tech Companies labor is the single largest expense item in their operation. Labor costs are often the difference between profit and loss and the quality of life the business owner will enjoy.  Here we talk about some ways to reduce labor costs.   First, it is absolutely imperative that

October 26, 2021

Nothing Stays the Same – Be the Gardener

Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don’t want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the

September 29, 2021

8 BIG Small Business Mistakes

Here’s an interesting notion: Do you realize that there are mistakes you can make at various stages of your business’ growth that can be slowly killing it for months or even years if you don’t watch for them? Well, these mistakes do exist, and they are not just reserved for the rookie companies. Many working